I’m dedicated to
I’m dedicated to inspiring health through simple education, products and courses that help you get stronger, leaner and healthier, so you can feel and look better for longer.
Friends call me Al. I'm a Nutritionist, Weight-loss and Hormone Coach, Creative, & Australia founder for the doTERRA healthy lifestyle brand.
I don't believe that we deserve to feel anything less than healthy.
I don't subscribe to the message that 'middle-aged' is the time things start to go downhill and that there's a 'pill for that'.
And if you really believe your body is falling apart because you’re over 30 or 40, or because you’re a mum… then we need to talk. Like, now.
And I’m glad you’re here.

I am a YES.
I am a ‘Thank-you, more please’.
I am a ‘I choose THIS’ (again and again and again)
I am a ‘Shitting myself but doing it anyway’.
I am all of the colours.
I AM Mother Nature.
My view:
'A life lived in fear is a life half-lived'.
Triathlons? Yes. Surfing? Yes. Long-distance running? Yes. Swimming? Yes.
Jumping out of a plane singing 'The Hills are Alive'? Abso-looootely.
Breathwork while being held underwater by classmates on the weekends? I’m in.
Meeting at the beach for some kettlebell swings? You know it.
Laying my mat down at Bikram? I make the best ugly-grimace face in head-to-knee pose.
Re-parenting 'Big T' trauma? Eerrrghhhhh, it hurts but okay, let’s get fucky with it.
Making a bigger impact? Doing it. Daily.
Being conscious of my mortality and legacy? This is exactly why I’m living full and large and against the (yawn) well-worn-grain today.
It’s funny, I said I didn’t want an about page, then wrote a short novel. Go figure.
+ Read it here
When I was 8yo, my favourite days were of leaving the house in the morning on bike or foot, soaking up Mother Nature for hours on end.
I had my sister by my side and together we were adventuring to the edges of the world.
I knew there was no set place where mother nature ended and I began.
I explored the gully’s, the paddocks, the tracks, swampy beaches and dirt roads where I lived.
I’d pinch tea-tree and eucalyptus between my fingers and inhale the aroma. I pulled the tips of lavender flowers and eat them for sweetness.
There wasn’t a lot of parental supervision back then and the days had no plans. Drinking water from the little creeks created when the paddocks dipped to kiss each other, from front yard taps of other people’s houses, or straight from the troughs the cows drank from.
I was a fortress maker and horse wrangler, BMX bandit, master cubby maker, fisherwoman and an ‘other-world’ creator.
Possibility was everywhere as long as I could imagine it, and believe in advance. Hard.
I was kinda wild.
And when I was out there in nature, I was very very free.
But I got lost in there for a while, like children tend to do in the antiquated and at times suffocating ‘system’ of the world where we follow the model of ‘box ticking’ our way to success.
In my mid-twenties, I found myself on the 30th floor of a high rise corporate office in Melbourne as a Sales Manager for a software company from THE Silicon Valley.
I had a husband and a baby at home and one in my belly too. I had a great pay-check, a house and an investment property, lots of global travel and business awards to my name.
Boxes officially ticked. Right?
But that 8yo adventurer with her muddied knees and sandy feet and sunburned nose and wild hair, her reckless pursuit of adventure and her thirst for freedom wasn’t satisfied, and as a result I was restless.
I hadn’t put the red wine and drugs and partying down for long enough to see that she’d been tapping her foot in the corner for a long time, that 8yo me. No doubt with a scowl across her face as she watched while I’d numbed many of those years away from myself.
I was restless in the way that I knew intuitively that there was more to experience.
I became very sure that I didn’t want to be dropping my babies off at daycare at 7am and pick them up at 6pm to hurry dinner and wash, rinse and repeat.
And as slowly as I could while in the blink of an eye, I got the courage to change the things I could and I leaned into them hard.
I stood in the boardroom on the 30th floor during a lunch break, and enrolled to study health coaching.
I re-enrolled in studying Nutritional Medicine and started to blog on wellness and nourishment and lifestyle transformation.
I put in the gritty night-time hours behind self-teaching website creation and sales and marketing funnels and in finding my online presence. I worked my absolute behind off. Every. single. day.
I launched online wellbeing courses and then an online blog and business coaching course. And they were successful.
After I had my second baby girl, and my maternity leave was coming to a close, I didn’t have to return to that 30th floor office again. My business was thriving and I had more belief in myself and this new knowledge that actually I could, in fact, bui;d a business that supported me in whatever way I wanted. That any idea I had I could build on and make something from, and that actually, I didn’t need a b.o.s.s, a job description and a pair of stilettos to grind for a CEO who wouldn’t be able to pick my face out in a crowd.
And I needed absolutely zero permission to do whatever I wanted to.
I believe doors only open to those who are bold enough to knock and now looking back, it doesn’t surprise me in any way that doTERRA Essential Oils presented into my life, and that I led myself down a path of education, intrigue and interest in the business and the model of distributing their product into the world.
Oh hi there ‘Home’.
Alongside my nutrition and functional healing work, learning, doing and teaching about the world’s most pure plant extracts and sharing this time-honoured plant medicine with thousands of people around the world became me.
Source says, ‘I will only work as hard as you’, and every single day since early 2016, I haveI gotten up, linked hands with Mother Nature, and become the bridge between her healing extracts, and the people who need them most.
I taught so many essential oil classes in those first years with doTERRA that while the lounge-rooms I taught in merged into each other, the individual stories of rising health I heard first-hand will stay with me forever. Some of them would bring you to your knees.
To have been able to ‘opt in’ to that experience (as you can too by the way) is incredibly humbling. Even though this is a choice, I don’t take it lightly, and I am supremely grateful for all of the choices that led me to this moment.
Between the work I do as an Australian Founder for doTERRA, my work in Nutrition and Integrative Health, I have my ‘forever’ career and my ‘forever home’ in business.
Woo Woo things:
Aries Sun, Aries Moon, Scorpio rising. For those who know me, this explains a LOT! Halp. Everyone.
Boring Booky Bits: Places I have studied
Integrative Health Coaching - Institute for Integrative Nutrition
Environmental Medicine - University of Arizona
AdDip Nutritional Medicine (Nutrition + Naturopathy) - Australian Institute of Applied Science
Life qualifications I didn't get a piece of paper for ;):
Coaching over 4000 women in health and empowerment courses
Creating a multi-million dollar digital-based business from home (with my babies by my side like a Ninja)
Trauma and addiction recovery process work
Wholefood cookery and kitchen creativity
eCommerce and Business Marketing sourcery
Perfectly imperfect girl-parenting (to a tween and a teen.
Being a bonafide adventurous badass

Truly, I know
You can literally create your dream life if you show up every day and do the work.
Legacy is our work making an impact once we are long gone, and that’s what I’m here to do.
Sliding in sideways with a smile on my face folks. Always.
Al. X