6 ways using natural products in your home can help you sleep better.

Sleep is the most underrated component of wellness for a variety of reasons we don’t often think of, such as immune system and digestive repair and recovery, so that we feel better, have more vitality, and our organs of detox function better.

For women who’re looking to lose weight and improve their body composition and who typically consider movement and diet as the top two areas to focus (with good reason), sleep is actually the third discipline that wraps it up as it aids in the health of the metabolic system, helps to balance stress hormone cortisol that can cause weight retention, and helps weight-loss by reducing stress on the body.

This is why we focus on the quality of how we sleep. And sleep can be that much improved by making sure our home environment is one without toxins.

Here are 6 reasons using natural products in your home can help you sleep better:

1. Chemical-free environment: Natural products are free from harsh chemicals, which can disrupt your sleep patterns, especially as we may still be washing our bed linen in synthetic laundry detergents. The use of synthetic laundry detergents can contribute to indoor air pollution due to the release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other airborne particles during washing and drying cycles. Indoor air pollution can have negative health effects, including respiratory irritation, headaches, and fatigue. By using natural/non-toxic cleaning products and detergents you can create a chemical-free sleep environment that promotes better sleep.

2. Therapeutically proven calming aromas: Therapeutic grade essential oils fill your home with calming aromas that promote relaxation and help you unwind before bed. Certain essential oils have been shown to reduce stress and anxiety levels, which can interfere with sleep. Essential oils such as lavender, frankincense, peppermint, or the Easy Air or Balance blends by company, doTERRA are shown to support calm at bed-time. (Purchase a top ten essential oils pack + diffuser that has all these essential oils listed and more).

3. Improved air quality: A house that uses toxic products or materials can potentially harbour various airborne pollutants, which can have adverse effects on indoor air quality and human health. Some common airborne pollutants found in homes using toxins include chemicals that can easily evaporate into the air at room temperature. They are commonly found in many household products, including paints, varnishes, cleaning agents, pesticides, air fresheners, and synthetic fragrances. VOCs can contribute to indoor air pollution and are associated with respiratory irritation, headaches, dizziness, and long-term health effects such as liver and kidney damage, and even cancer.

Diffusing essential oils like lemon, tea tree or eucalyptus can help kill airborne pathogens, freshen the air and support your immune system. All contributing to better sleep. (Purchase a top ten essential oils pack + diffuser that has all these essential oils listed and more).

4. Softer lighting + natural linen: Soft, warm lights, such as those from lamps, help signal to the brain that it's time to wind down, facilitating the transition into restful sleep. Companies like Boncharge create soft bluelight blocking night lights, reading lights and lamps that reduce eyestrain and to promote optimal sleep. A soft warm light bulb is a great starting point. Natural fibres, such as cotton or linen, allow for better breathability and temperature regulation, enhancing comfort and promoting deeper sleep.

5. Cooler sleep space: Natural products like natural fibers and breathable materials can help regulate your body temperature, keeping you cooler and more comfortable while you sleep. Thermoregulation: The body's core temperature naturally decreases as part of the sleep-wake cycle, reaching its lowest point during the night. Cooler temperatures help facilitate this natural drop in body temperature, signaling to the brain that it's time to sleep. Conversely, a room that is too warm can interfere with this process, making it more challenging to fall asleep and stay asleep.

6. Reduction of Allergens: Natural cleaning products, bedding materials, and furnishings are less likely to contain allergens such as dust mites, pet dander, and mold spores. By reducing allergen exposure, individuals with allergies or asthma may experience fewer sleep disturbances and enjoy better overall sleep quality.

Environmental Sustainability: Choosing natural products often aligns with sustainable and eco-friendly practices, which can contribute to a healthier planet. Knowing that your home environment is free from harmful chemicals and supports environmental stewardship can promote a sense of well-being and peace of mind, further enhancing sleep quality. I know this has happened for myself and my family.

While transitioning to a house that exclusively uses natural products may not guarantee better sleep quality on its own, it can certainly contribute to creating a healthier and more conducive sleep environment and you can easily choose to adjust one thing at a time. Combined with other sleep-promoting habits such as maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, practicing relaxation techniques, and optimising sleep hygiene, the use of natural products can play a valuable role in improving overall sleep quality and well-being.

It’s worth it. Your body will feel better, your weight balance will feel better, and you’ll look better too!

Al. XX


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