Ep. 39: Who are you now you get to choose?
You are God in a physical body. You are spirit in the flesh. You are eternal life expressing itself as you. You are a cosmic being. You are all power. You are all wisdom. You are all intelligence. You are perfection. You are magnificent. You are the creator, and you are creating the creation of you on this planet. - Rhonda Byrne
I'm questioning a lot of old belief's right now and I feel this is a good place to be for me right now.
There's a lot of joy and creativity and expansion in my life right now because I am choosing to feel into that.
Here's some of the topics I discuss in the podcast today:
What personality trait is holding you back that have you believed yourself into.
Because if you say 'I am a perfectionist' based on a model external to you, what you are really saying is 'I believe in an external creation of data that validates beliefs I have created from past experiences'.
But beliefs are changeable if we decide for them to... on a continuous basis.
Imagine if the perfectionist created a new mantra each and every morning.
'When I create my communication today I send it without over-thinking it. I know that those who need to hear this message will align with it. I am so grateful that the important message I have inside me arrives in front of the eyes of those who need to hear it today. I am grateful that I am able to share this message with the world.'
And imagine that repeated on a daily basis.
If you're using any pre-built, pre-defined model that creates a 'label' for a person that is not based around forward potential and limitlessness and the 'I am creating forward', then quite frankly, I have begun to become sceptical at their ability to really drive peak potential.
See, all of these labels are created based on experiences and beliefs you have created in the past. Not what is possible for you to create in the future.
So if you keep believing that what you are now is what there is, then you don't develop into that potential.
If we teach people that they are a boxed definition that someone else has created that simply validates their past experiences, then we are not messengers for potential at all.
And we are not leading in a way I am comfortable with right now.
Imagine if the labels didn't exist and you met yourself from a space of total unconscious limitlessness.
Who are you if you get to choose from scratch?
Things we are doing in the Nicholls household:
Meditating again!
Adding to our nightly gratitude practice with gratitude in advance.
Unlock the limited potential of your mind with Dr. Joe Dispenza & Ed Mylett **please watch**