Ep. 40: We don't need more motivation.

This is a generation and an age of personal improvement. We all seem to want to do better, aim higher, live more, live greater. 

We have life goals or business goals, however for the majority of us, these are not being met or achieved or 'lived'. 

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The data available today says that in the Western World, as a whole, we're feeling like our lives aren't satisfactory.

We wish we could do more. We want to live a different life than the one we have today.

We tend to focus on becoming more motivated. 

But what if it was the force of the motivation we already have that was holding us back?

In this episode, I unpack why we don't need more motivation to live our dreams. 


Releasing trauma & negative emotions using essential oils.


Ep. 39: Who are you now you get to choose?